Thank you for visiting Timberview!
Searching for a church home can be intimidating, but we’re easy to get along with. We provide a fun, friendly, and relaxed atmosphere we hope will make you feel included and cared for.
Through our friendships, our music, and our preaching we work hard to provide a practical approach to following Jesus. We'd love to have you join us.
We meet Sundays at 10am. If this is your first time visiting, swing by the Welcome Desk and pick up a gift we have for you.
We love Jesus. We also love the Bible because it talks about Jesus. We are a biblical church that preaches biblical sermons and sings biblical songs. We believe that Jesus saves and changes lives so we brag about him every chance we get. We also believe the Bible is an incomparable source of wisdom and hope, so we go from the Bible all the time.
Friends are important. Friendship is really where the rubber meets the road in the Christian walk. In friendships we share support, love, and patient grace with each other. Life really is better with friends. That’s why we work hard to be a church that fosters friendships.
Joy is also important to us. Life is challenging, but we have hope through Jesus and special power through the Holy Spirit. We believe the world is starving for joy and solid friendships, so we try to be a church that if filled with both.